Viet Coffee Recipe: How to Make Delicious Vietnamese Coffee

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Viet Coffee Recipe

There’s something special about Viet coffee that sets it apart from other types of coffee. Maybe it’s the unique flavor profile or the fact that Viet coffee is made with condensed milk. Whatever it is, Viet coffee is definitely worth trying! In this blog post, we will teach you how to make delicious Viet coffee at home. We’ll provide a list of ingredients and directions so you can make your own Viet coffee masterpiece!

Table of Contents


  • Vietnamese coffee grounds (3 tbsp)
  • Sweetened condensed milk (1-3 tbsp)
  • Hot water (6-8 ounces)
  • Ice (optional)
  • Pour Over Coffee Maker


  1. Start by pouring your sweetened condensed milk into a cup.
  2. Start by mixing coffee grounds and condensed milk in a cup.
  3. Add hot water and stir until the ingredients are fully combined.
  4. If you want, you can add ice to your Viet coffee. Enjoy!

We hope you enjoyed this Viet coffee recipe! Viet coffee is a delicious and unique way to enjoy coffee. With the right ingredients and some patience, you can make Viet coffee at home that rivals any cafe! Thanks for reading and we wish you the best of luck in making your Viet coffee!

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