Here is our review of the 8 best coffee beans for French Press.
French Press coffee is one of the best brewing methods to get the most flavor out of your coffee. There are tons of different types of coffee beans, but there are certain beans that are better suited for French Press coffee.
I find that Coffee Bros Costa Rica Single Origin is by far the best coffee beans for French Press overall. It has the most unique tasting flavor profiles which are perfect for French Press and even espresso!
So let’s get started:
If you’re not a fan of coffee with intense aromatic flavors like this then we have listed other coffee beans that may be better suited for you.
Whether you want a more organic coffee bean or even looking for the best decaf bean… we have it right here:
Our Best Coffee Beans For French Press
- Coffee Bros Costa Rica Single Origin (Best Overall)
- Lifeboost Coffee Medium Roast (Best Organic)
- Volcanica Colombian Supremo Decaf (Best Decaf)
- San Francisco Bay Coffee (Best French Roast)
- Kenya AA Nyeri Ichamara (Best Kenyan)
- Stone Street Coffee Indonesian (Best Sumatra Mandheling)
- Bulletproof Coffee French Kick (Best Keto Friendly)
- Death Wish Coffee (Best Dark Roast)
8 Best Coffee Beans For French Press Reviewed
Coffee Bros Costa Rica Single Origin
Best Overall
- Sweet and clean body
- Smooth, sweet, floral flavors
- Notes of cocoa, toffee, and lemon
Coffee Bros Costa Rica Single Origin is the best overall coffee beans for French Press coffee. These beans are grown in the rich volcanic soil in the high altitudes of Tarrazú, Costa Rica. These beans are 100% Arabica and are processed naturally giving it that top quality taste.
Coffee Bros Costa Rica Single Origin coffee beans have a sweet and clean body. It has smooth, floral flavors and bright acidity with notes of cocoa, toffee, and lemon. These beans are also a medium roast which is one of the ideal roasts for French Press coffee.
Coffee Bros Costa Rica is known as microlot coffee which gives an even more unique flavor profile to your usual single origin. If you’re looking for the best coffee beans for French Press then Coffee Bros Costa Rica Single Origin is for you.
Lifeboost Coffee Medium Roast
Best Organic
What it tastes like:
- Low acidity and smooth taste
- Nutty flavor
- Hints of chocolate
Grown in the high altitudes of Central America in Nicaragua are Lifeboost’s Medium Roast organic coffee beans. These beans are spring washed, sun-dried, and have extremely low acidity. They are also processed without using any chemicals and are pesticide-free.
These beans have a smooth and well-balanced taste which is ideal for French Press coffee. It has a nutty flavor with hints of chocolate and some say that it has both woodsy and strawberry undertones.
Lifeboost Coffee makes the best organic coffee for all types of coffee makers and its medium roast is known for being its bestseller. If you are looking for very high quality organic coffee beans then this coffee is for you.
Volcanica Colombian Supremo Decaf
Best Decaf
What it tastes like:
- Smooth-light body
- Sweet and nutty flavor
- Notes of sweet floral
Volcanica Colombian Supremo Decaf coffee beans are by far the best medium roast coffee beans for decaf coffee. These beans are one of Volcanica’s best medium roasts and are grown in the Colombian Andes.
Volcanica Colombian Supremo Decaf coffee beans have a sweet and smooth taste. It has a sweet nutty flavor and has notes of nuts, sweet floral, and fruit.
What’s great about these coffee beans is that it is decaffeinated using the Swiss Water Process. This means that it’s 100% free of unwanted chemicals as well as holding its origin flavor. If you’re someone who isn’t a fan of caffeine and wants a great Columbian coffee then this one’s for you.
San Francisco Bay Coffee French Roast
Best French Roast
What it tastes like:
- Full-bodied
- Spicy flavor
- Notes of chocolate and roasted cinnamon
One of the best french roast coffee beans is the San Francisco Bay Coffee French Roast. It is sourced and blended from regions of both Central and South America. These beans are 100% Arabica and are also certified Kosher beans.
These beans have a full body dark roast and have a spicy flavor with notes of chocolate and roasted cinnamon. These beans are roasted in such a way to be suitable for coffee makers such as French Press, Aeropress, Pour Over, and Moka Pots.
If you’re looking for a best seller of french roast coffee then the San Francisco Bay Coffee French Roast is a great choice.
Kenya AA Nyeri Ichamara Coffee
Best Kenyan
What it tastes like:
- Bold body
- Exceptionally sweet and floral flavor
- Notes of Peach Blossom, Orange Zest, and Black Tea
Kenyan coffee is known to be in the top five most flavorful coffees in the world. French Press coffee will help bring out the intense aromatic flavors from Africa, especially when using Kenya AA Nyeri Ichamara Coffee beans.
These beans have a bold body with an exceptionally sweet and floral flavor. It has notes of peach blossom, orange zest, and black tea. Compared to Ethiopian coffee, Kenyan coffee usually has a higher acidity and has brighter fruitier flavors.
If you’re someone who wants intense, aromatic, bright flavors then Kenya AA Nyeri Ichamara Coffee will go well for your French Press coffee.
Stone Street Coffee Indonesian Sumatra Mandheling
Best Sumatra Mandheling
What it tastes like:
- Rich dark taste
- Bold smoky flavor
- Notes of chocolate
Stone Street Coffee has its very own Indonesian Sumatra Mandheling which has a smooth syrupy texture to it. These coffee beans are dark roasted and taste really good when adding a bit of cream and sugar to it.
What is great about Indonesian Sumatra Mandheling is that it is extremely low in acidity which is great for people who have sensitive stomachs. It has a rich dark taste and a smoky robust flavor to it with hints of chocolate.
Sumatra Mandheling coffee has a tropical aroma to it as it comes from the wild jungles on the island of Indonesia. So if you’re a fan of Sumatra coffee beans, then these coffee beans are a great buy when making French Press coffee.
Bulletproof Coffee French Kick
Best Keto Friendly
What it tastes like:
- Smooth taste
- Sweet chocolaty flavor
- Notes of cinnamon, plum, and orange with a cocoa hazelnut finish
Bulletproof Coffee French Kick is the best keto-friendly coffee bean for French Press coffee. These beans are grown in the high altitudes of Colombia and Guatemala at pesticide-free organic farms. Each bean is from a perfectly ripped berry that was hand-picked by experienced farmers.
These beans have a smooth and sweet taste with baked chocolate flavors and notes of cinnamon, plum, and orange with a cocoa hazelnut finish. It is Bulletproof Coffee’s only dark roast coffee which is an ideal roast for French Press coffee.
What makes these beans ‘keto friendly’ is the way these beans are processed as they are neither sundried nor fermented. Bulletproof Coffee uses a two-step drying process by first patio-drying and then being dried by a mechanical dryer.
Death Wish Coffee
Best Dark Roast
What it tastes like:
- Strong and rich taste
- Non bitter robust flavor
- Notes of chocolate
Death Wish Coffee, known as the world’s strongest coffee will be the best if you’re a fan of dark roast coffee. Although it has combined Arabica and Robusta, it will still have that robust non-bitter flavor.
This coffee has a strong robust flavor with subtle notes of cherry and chocolate. Since French Press steeps the coffee grounds, this coffee will taste quite strong. I recommend adding some milk and sugar as this will make the French Press coffee taste great.
Did I mention that these coffee beans have almost double the caffeine that regular coffee beans have? If you’re someone who wants strong French Press coffee that will give you a true caffeine kick in the morning, then this one’s for you.
Buyers Guide

Here is our short buyer’s guide on what makes a good cup of French Press coffee. You probably know most of this but I think it’s important to understand what type of coffee is ideal when using a French Press:
Grind Size For French Press Coffee
When it comes to the grind size for French Press coffee, you will need to use a coarse grind. If you decide to use a fine grind then you might get clumps of ground coffee which will make it very difficult to filter through.
It’s really important to make sure which pre-ground coffee you’re using as a fine or medium-fine grind will not be ideal for your French Press coffee.
Using a medium grind will also not be ideal as although it will pass through the plunger filter more easily, your coffee can taste too strong and bitter.
Roast Type For French Press Coffee
Ideally, you will want to use a medium to dark roast type as it will taste the most flavorful. You can however use a light roast although your coffee may end up tasting watery and a lack of balanced flavor.
Coffee To Water Ratio

The ideal coffee ratio for French Press is a 1:15 ratio. You can see on the above chart for each coffee to water ratio of each brewing method.
Brewing Process For French Press
French Press uses a steeping brewing process as an immersion method. Steeping is a method when the coffee grounds are soaked in hot water and then pressing the grounds to extract its flavor.
This brewing process is able to extract the most flavor out of the grounds compared to other methods such as dripped coffee. If you love strong and flavorful coffee then this brewing process is ideal for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do You Make French Press Coffee?
French Press coffee is the one coffee maker that requires the least amount of skill for making a good cup of coffee. There are a few steps to making French Press coffee but you can look at our guide on how to make French Press coffee.
Is French Press Coffee Better Than Drip?
This question really depends on what you mean by it…
French Press coffee has better extraction as there are no filters to absorb any of the coffee ground flavors. If your French Press coffee has a really strong robust flavor, it can go really well with some milk.
Drip coffee on the other hand uses paper filters that can absorb some of the oils. This will result in less flavor meaning that the coffee won’t taste as strong and will be more Arabic.
In terms of health, French Press coffee is, unfortunately, the least healthy way to brew coffee. This is because there are no filters to catch the cafestol which means that it may raise cholesterol levels.
How Does French Press Coffee Taste?
French Press coffee tastes like any other coffee but is much stronger. The reason for this is that coffee grounds will steep instead of filtering through the paper which will result in better extraction.
French Press coffee will allow you to enjoy the most out of your coffee as you truly get to taste all the hints and flavors.
Does French Press Coffee Have More Caffeine?
Yes, French Press coffee generally has more caffeine than espresso and drip coffee. This is because French Press steeps the coffee grounds. Steeping has much better extraction than any other brewing method hence more caffeine would be extracted from a French Press.
The Verdict
French Press can taste amazing if you use the right type of coffee beans and learn how to steep the grounds right.
Coffee Bros Costa Rica Single Origin is the best coffee beans for French Press overall and I am sure that you won’t regret this buying decision.
If you decide on another coffee bean, make sure to have a look at the other coffee beans on this list as I am sure you will find one perfectly suited for you!
Coffee Bros coffee is usually unavailable on Amazon due to being out of stock so I recommend checking their site to purchase these coffee beans.